

Yes, our app supports multistore synchronization.

Yes, our App sync draft orders to SFDC orders. Our app syncs almost all Shopify objects(Customers, Products, Orders, Locations, Inventories, Inventory Levels, Variants, Collections, Smart Collections, Draft Orders, etc.) to Salesforce Objects. If you want it to map with other standard and custom Salesforce objects, then we can achieve it by creating an automation in your org, which will not come under this app feature. Please find the app object mapping below:


Shopify Objects

  • Customers
  • Products
  • Orders
  • Locations
  • Inventories
  • Inventory Levels
  • Variants
  • Collections
  • Draft Orders
Salesforce Objects

  • Account & Contact / Person Account
  • Products
  • Orders / Opportunity
  • Locations (Custom object)
  • Inventory (Custom object)
  • Inventory Level (Custom object)
  • Variant (Custom object)
  • Manual and Smart Collections (Custom object)
  • Orders / Opportunity

No, We do not charge any fee for any functionality built into the app. It is free for all users.

Yes, We have a dedicated team of Service Experts to resolve any issue related to the app. We offer full assistance in the installation process.
Also, we upgrade and introduce new features in our app from time to time for the smooth functioning of the app.


To know more regarding installation Kindly  Book A Support Call

If you enter incorrect credentials such as your API Store Url, API Key, or Access token in Step 2 of the Salesforce Shopify Sync Settings webpage, you’ll encounter this error message.
Please note that you can put anything on the Label but the API name should be Shopify. You can delete any old expired certificate with an API name Shopify, if any.
shopifyapi name

Yes, Sync Made Easy updates data in real-time. You should be able to see your records like your customer email id immediately after updating them in the app.

There is no direct Tax rate field mapping available but we can do it for you separately.

Please check the Error Messages tab which contains the reason why the contact failed to get created. There is a possibility that some trigger or process failed in your org. You will find the issue on the Error Messages tab.

No, there is no limit for real-time syncing.

Absolutely! The customer sync feature in Sync Made Easy fully supports Person accounts.

Yes, Guest Orders can be associated with Person accounts.

Yes, our upgraded Sync Made Easy pro supports Refunds.

The app is free, but the Support is paid for guidance or additional functions.

We can map Order and Draft Order with different record-type at the record type mapping page and can develop an automation at the Salesforce side to update the status of Order.

This error typically happens in Sandbox. Because of the limited resource allocation in Sandbox, when bulk records hitting Sandbox exceed that limitation, the webhook failure error is generated from Shopify’s end.  Sometimes this issue occurs in Production as well when a large batch hits or there is a high number of requests or automation in Production.

To handle this issue, Our connector app periodically checks and repairs webhooks using a scheduled Batch. If any record is deleted, our app recreates them to ensure error-free synchronization.
The delay in response times also accounts for the fact that Shopify expects results within a certain timeframe and Salesforce doesn’t always return the response within the timeframe due to large automation and resource availability.
You are receiving the error message because you have previous business accounts in Salesforce for Shopify customers and now you have changed the mapping to Person Account.
As a result, Salesforce can’t update Business Accounts to Person Accounts through API.
You can solve this issue either by deleting those business accounts of Shopify Customers in Salesforce or changing Record-Type by clicking the button on those records.

The client can modify the custom field as he wants and for this, he doesn’t need customer support.

Please follow the below steps to disable Sync Made Easy integration in your Sandbox –

  • Click on ‘Having more than one store’ at the right top corner of the configuration page.
  • Click on the Remove icon corresponding to the Store.

Yes, Sync Made Easy app utilizes the REST API which follows PCI-compliant security standards. Moreover, the app also uses sha-1 encryption in order to not reveal the access token.

We offer different support plans. Please refer to our pricing page to see our plans and corresponding the prices.

The long syncing process can be attributed to multiple reasons, such as expiration of Shopify token, exceeding storage limit, etc.

To identify the exact issue and resolve it, please reach out to our Support team.

Yes, we have a feature for this called “Initiate Batch” in our reformed Sync Made Easy pro app.

This is a premium feature, we need Shopify Customer JSON to add mapping in the Salesforce configuration and need support access. Please get in touch with the support team for granting access.

Yes! Our App is compatible with CauseView, but there is a need to verify the objects.

Our App on the AppExchange syncs with standard Shopify and Salesforce objects. If you require custom mapping, we would be more than happy to assist you.

You receive this error when the Order feature is not enabled in your Salesforce org.

To continue with the installation of the Sync Made Easy package, please enable the Order Object in your Salesforce org.

To enable the order in your Salesforce org, follow the steps in the guide here!

Yes, our product is equipped to sync Shopify Customers and Orders with your Salesforce org and intelligently match them to Person Accounts using the Email fields.

This is achieved through our premium ‘Prevent duplicate’ feature. Please reach out to our support team to avail of the feature.                                                        

We’ve observed limitations in updating the order status within Salesforce, as it currently only supports ‘draft’ and ‘activated’ values. To ensure clarity in distinguishing between orders and draft orders, utilizing record types is recommended. Let us know if you need further assistance in implementing this solution

The error message ‘Foreign key external’ typically indicates that the synchronization of parent records has encountered issues, often due to rule or automation failures. It’s advisable to identify the specific error message associated with the parent record and adjust the configuration accordingly to resolve the issue.

Certainly! In addition to standard fields, our support package extends to cover meta fields as well, ensuring comprehensive coverage for all your order data needs.

No, creating a new management app for API integration won’t have any impact on the existing app. Each app operates independently, so the creation of a new one will not affect the functionality or settings of the previous app.

To effectively utilize the Shopify admin API, the required access scopes include Customers, Products, Orders, Draft Orders, Collections, Inventories, and Locations. Ensure that these scopes are selected to enable comprehensive access to the necessary data and functionalities.

In response to the mandatory field requirement for ‘Name’ in Salesforce, a workaround would be to map the ‘Account Name’ with the ‘Customer Company’ if dealing with Business Accounts, or with the ‘Customer Name’ for Person Accounts. This mapping can be configured within the Sync Made Easy App to ensure seamless data synchronization between Shopify and Salesforce.

Certainly! Our Pro package includes provisions for issuing credit notes to clients and facilitating partial refunds based on taxes and shipping. Rest assured, these functionalities are fully covered within our service offerings.

The ‘Sync-made-easy’ integration primarily requires access to two key sales objects: ‘Product’ and ‘Order’. While it’s designed to work seamlessly with Sales Cloud, it can also function effectively with Service Cloud, as long as these specific sales objects are available for integration.

Certainly! In the scenario where a customer is created in Shopify but does not make a purchase, our integration ensures that either a personal account or a contact is created accordingly in Salesforce, maintaining a seamless record flow.

Absolutely! Syncing custom objects, such as your custom order object, between Salesforce and Shopify is fully covered within our package. There’s no need for a separate estimate for this functionality—it’s all included.

If a customer already exists in both Salesforce and Shopify, our system ensures synchronization by updating the existing customer records on both platforms. This ensures consistency and accuracy across your customer database.

Certainly! You can easily manage this at the field mapping configuration level. By customizing the field mappings, you can retrieve and store the values of the ‘SMS consent’ and ‘Email consent checkboxes separately in Salesforce, ensuring an accurate representation of marketing consent data.

Whenever you don’t create a self-signature or have more than one signature in your organization, this error occurs. In the Label field, you can put any name you want, but the API name should be Shopify, so delete the extra one. In addition, you need to check the Shopify store URL, it must follow the syntax and have the same token.

Yes, our connector includes a ‘store name’ field specifically designed to signify the originating Shopify store. This field provides clarity on the source of the customer within Salesforce, eliminating the need for additional custom fields in Shopify for handling this information.

Absolutely! Our connector seamlessly creates new products in Salesforce if they don’t already exist, ensuring a smooth integration process. So, if a product is entered first in Shopify, you can trust that it will be accurately synced and created within Salesforce without any issues.

Not at all! Connecting a Salesforce production organization and a Sandbox organization simultaneously to a Shopify production environment poses no issues. Our integration is designed to handle this seamlessly, ensuring smooth data synchronization and management across both environments.

Yes, it will work after making slight configuration changes in the Sandbox environment. Our system is designed to accommodate changes in Force.com site settings, ensuring continued functionality and seamless operation.

Certainly! You have the option to add default value mapping for fields. This allows you to specify default values for certain fields, ensuring consistency and streamlining data entry processes.

This could be due to the presence of two separate toggles on the configuration page, which enable/disable orders and draft orders respectively. Ensuring both toggles are appropriately configured should resolve this discrepancy.

Certainly! You have the flexibility to set the Opportunity Stage through mapping on the designated page. Additionally, for Order Status, you can create a customized flow to specify the desired status. By default, it is set to ‘Draft’, providing a starting point for further customization.

No, connecting your production Shopify account to your sandbox environment and syncing transactions should not create any problems for later connecting Shopify to your production environment.

Yes, it is indeed possible to sync two separate Shopify websites to one Salesforce account, integrating stock and sales data for each website. Our system supports this functionality, and the process is quick and straightforward to set up.

Our app is compatible with various editions of Salesforce, including Enterprise, Unlimited, Force.com, Developer, and Performance editions. You can rest assured that regardless of the edition you’re using, our app will seamlessly integrate with your Salesforce environment.

Yes, our app is fully compatible with the NPSP (Nonprofit Success Pack). You can map various objects including Account, Contact, Person Account, Product, Opportunity, and Order within the NPSP environment.

No, you don’t need Commerce Cloud for our package to work. It is compatible with several Salesforce editions including Enterprise, Unlimited, Force.com, Developer, and Performance

No, adding a product to the pricebook in Salesforce does not automatically add it to Shopify. However, the corresponding Shopify product will reflect any price updates made in Salesforce.

Yes, if you notice that fields like ‘tags’ and ‘product type’ on the product object created by HIC Sync Made Easy are missing data, you will need to add mapping for those fields. After adding the mapping, you can re-initiate the batch sync to populate values in those fields accordingly.

In Salesforce, it’s not possible to have two records with the same ID. Therefore, if two objects have the same Shopify ID, it would cause an error as duplicate IDs are not allowed in Salesforce

No, the sync does not fail. Successful records are allowed to pass through. Any failed records are logged in the ‘Error Messages’ tab, which contains error logs for each record that encountered an issue.

To check for errors encountered during integration, navigate to the ‘Error Messages’ tab. This tab contains error logs that provide details on any issues encountered. You can add this tab to the layout for easy access.

To swap the mapping of the Shopify Order Number from the Salesforce Order Object’s Name field to a custom text field, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the Salesforce to Shopify Sync Page.
2. Proceed to the fourth step: Field Mapping.
3. In the Field Mapping section, scroll to the ‘Order Field Mapping’ section.
4. Locate the last row, where you’ll find a button with a Plus (+) icon. Click the ‘+’ icon to add a new row.
5. Select the Salesforce field where you want to map the Shopify Order Number.
6. Correspondingly, select the Shopify field (Order number) for mapping.
7. Once selected, you can map it to the desired custom text field.”

The app provides functions to map all Shopify fields, including tags, to Salesforce fields. For metadata fields, you can map them with a text area field containing values such as a JSON list. Subsequently, additional automation can be implemented to parse these values into different fields or records as needed.

Yes, there is a feature in Sync Made Easy that supports paid orders.

Yes. Sync Made Easy supports draft order.

Yes! Sync Made Easy allows you to easily create the opportunity from Shopify orders.

Of course, yes! You can easily map the order payment terms on the order and opportunity.

Absolutely yes! You can create opportunities from Shopify orders with Sync Made Easy.

Yes! Sync Made Easy Pro supports full refunds, accommodating overpayments and underpayments

Yes, our app supports all types of shipping charges. It is designed to handle various shipping scenarios, including different rates for multiple countries.

We are currently working on this feature and will include it in the next release. However, if you need it immediately, please contact support. Kindly write us at support@syncmadeasy.com or Book a Support Call

Yes, our latest Sync Made Easy Pro includes that functionality.

Yes, our Sync Made Easy Pro app has this functionality.

Yes, our app is equipped to handle Shopify B2B functionality effectively.

Yes! With Sync Made Easy, you can easily synchronize your manual and smart collections, giving you the flexibility to meet your business requirements

We are working on this feature and will include it in the next release. However, if you need it immediately then please contact the support. Kindly write us at support@syncmadeasy.com or Book a Support Call

Absolutely, yes! Our app includes a feature called “Initiate batch sync” in Sync Made Easy Pro that allows selective syncing of data

Yes, we can assist with that, please schedule a call with our product expert team further details regarding implementation.

Yes, our app – Sync Made Easy Pro supports bi-directional syncing for a seamless data flow across multiple stores and Salesforce CRM.

We are currently developing this feature, and it will be included in our next release. For urgent assistance, Kindly write us at support@syncmadeasy.com or Book a Support Call

We are working on this feature and will include it in the next release. For immediate assistance, Kindly write us at support@syncmadeasy.com or Book a Support Call

Yes, we have this feature in Sync Made Easy.

Yes! You can avail of this feature in Sync Made Easy Pro.

Not now, but we are working on this feature and will release it soon. However, if you need it immediately, you can contact our support team. Kindly write us at support@syncmadeasy.com or Book a Support Call

Currently, this feature is not available, but will be released soon. If you require immediate access, you can contact our support team. Kindly write us at support@syncmadeasy.com or Book a Support Call

Yes! You can leverage this feature in Sync Made Easy Pro.

Sync Made Easy Pro supports Google Analytics, allowing you to synchronize performance metrics and sales data between Shopify and Salesforce.

Yes! You can find this feature in Sync Made Easy Pro.

If the prevent duplicate feature isn’t enabled and there’s existing data in your Salesforce org, new imports might result in duplicate accounts or contacts instead of merging them.

Below are the list of objects that comes with our default package.

Shopify Objects

  • Customers
  • Products
  • Orders
  • Locations
  • Inventories
  • Inventory Levels
  • Variants
  • Collections
  • Draft Orders

Salesforce Objects

  • Account & Contact / Person Account
  • Products
  • Orders / Opportunity
  • Locations (Custom object)
  • Inventory (Custom object)
  • Inventory Level (Custom object)
  • Variant (Custom object)
  • Manual and Smart Collections (Custom object)
  • Orders / Opportunity

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